Blue Collar Boxing With Coach Pablo at Different Breed Elite Fitness in Teaneck, NJ

Coach Pablo of Different Breed Elite Fitness explains how ordinary people can get into extraordinary shape with our Blue Collar Boxing Program - where two teams, the black team and the red team, led by Coach P and Coach Dred, take participants through a 6-week training camp that ends in an exhibition sparring match.

So who will win? Black Team of the Red Team? And how can you become a part of this amazing experience? Stop by our Elite Training and Boxing Facility in Teaneck, NJ, and see for yourself, or go to and see how you too can become "Absolutely Different!

Call us at 201-347-3640 if you have any questions.

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Blue Collar Boxing with Coach Dred at Different Breed Elite Fitness in Teaneck NJ


Blue Collar Boxing At Different Elite Fitness!